Author: Becki Andrus

June 25th, 2024

Orthopedic Surgeons: Ten Things You Need to Know

When you are looking for an orthopedic surgeon, it’s common to have a lot of questions about the doctor’s expertise and the services they offer. Many patients are unsure about whether they actually need orthopedic care. And if they require these services, then they don’t know where to look to find the right surgeon. Learning… Continue reading Orthopedic Surgeons: Ten Things You Need to Know

June 18th, 2024

How Long Does a Spinal Injury Take to Heal?

An injury to the spinal cord can be a scary diagnosis, especially since careful treatment and recovery are essential to avoid complications in the future. Some people with these types of injuries experience a loss of function, which might be temporary or permanent. Depending on the severity and type of injury, different methods can be… Continue reading How Long Does a Spinal Injury Take to Heal?

April 27th, 2024

The Best Sports Medicine Near Me

It doesn’t matter if you are a professional athlete or enjoy sports as a hobby; having support from a sports medicine doctor can be helpful. Not only does this specialist help with injury treatment when needed, but they can also offer ongoing support to prevent injuries and improve performance at the same time. Should you… Continue reading The Best Sports Medicine Near Me

April 17th, 2023

How Do You Know a Back Injury Is Serious?

People of all ages complain about back pain occasionally. Whether you slept wrong or your back is a little tight after moving heavy furniture, these aches and pains will typically go away with time, But there are instances when back pain or an injury could be a more severe problem. If you suspect a serious… Continue reading How Do You Know a Back Injury Is Serious?

March 30th, 2023

Can Orthopedic Surgery Fix My Neck and Back?

Living with neck or back pain is uncomfortable, and these symptoms can take a toll on every aspect of your life. Do you find it difficult to get through the workday or keep up with responsibilities at home because you are constantly in pain? Then you might be considering orthopedic surgery. As many as 23%… Continue reading Can Orthopedic Surgery Fix My Neck and Back?

February 28th, 2023

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Orthopedic Surgery?

Preparing for orthopedic surgery can make a person nervous and hopeful at the same time. You are optimistic about the potential results and improvements that can come from surgical interventions. At the same time, there are often questions about the recovery process. If you have an injury or chronic health issues affecting your function and… Continue reading How Long Does It Take to Recover from Orthopedic Surgery?

February 21st, 2023

What Conditions Do Sports Medicine Physicians Treat?

It doesn’t matter if you are a professional athlete or an amateur weekend warrior on the sports field: it’s likely that you will benefit from services available by a sports medicine physician. All levels of fitness activity and sports participation require high function, mobility, and flexibility. A sports medicine expert helps to manage common conditions… Continue reading What Conditions Do Sports Medicine Physicians Treat?

January 26th, 2023

Common Questions About Spinal Nerve Damage

The nerves and cells running through the spinal cord are critical for sending messages between the brain and the rest of the body. If an injury happens that affects these nerves, then it can have a domino effect resulting in pain and functionality concerns. Spinal nerve damage can be minor and can cause small inconveniences… Continue reading Common Questions About Spinal Nerve Damage

January 19th, 2023

What Is an Orthopedic Doctor?

Most people have heard the term “orthopedics,” but they are unsure if or when they need to see this type of doctor. And if orthopedic services are necessary, then where should you go to find a specialist? This medical specialty is a valuable resource for patients experiencing joint or bone pain, which happens to most… Continue reading What Is an Orthopedic Doctor?

December 27th, 2022

What Do Spine Surgeons Do?

When you are experiencing back pain, it’s best to visit a spine specialist instead of a general physician. Spine surgeons are medical experts who specialize in diagnosing and treating various conditions that affect the spine. At Orthopedic Associates, we have a full team of back experts to help with your unique concerns. For more information… Continue reading What Do Spine Surgeons Do?