Category: Back Pain

June 27th, 2024

Stay Healthy While Playing Your Summer Sports

Summer in the Dallas-Fort Worth area is a fantastic time to engage in a variety of sports. From baseball to swimming to pickleball, the sunny weather offers endless opportunities to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. However, it’s essential to stay healthy while playing summer sports to prevent injuries and make the most of your… Continue reading Stay Healthy While Playing Your Summer Sports

Categorized as Back Pain
April 17th, 2023

How Do You Know a Back Injury Is Serious?

People of all ages complain about back pain occasionally. Whether you slept wrong or your back is a little tight after moving heavy furniture, these aches and pains will typically go away with time, But there are instances when back pain or an injury could be a more severe problem. If you suspect a serious… Continue reading How Do You Know a Back Injury Is Serious?

April 21st, 2022

How Do I Prevent Osteoporosis?

Recent data shows that half of the women in the United States over the age of 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis. Millions of people have osteoporosis, which means that they have low bone density, increasing the risk of fractures. The good news is that lifestyle factors can strengthen the bones and prevent… Continue reading How Do I Prevent Osteoporosis?

April 14th, 2022

The Expert Back Doctors at Orthopedic Associates

You’re ready to find solutions for your back pain, but where do you turn to find the right back doctors for these treatments? Your primary care physician or family doctor would likely refer you to see a back specialist: a provider with unique training specifically for diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the back and spine.… Continue reading The Expert Back Doctors at Orthopedic Associates

November 11th, 2021

Spine Pain – Prevention and Treatments

Spine pain is a common condition – with most people complaining about back pain at some point in their lives. In fact, an estimated 80% of people will have low back pain at least once, but often multiple times. For some patients, it’s an occasional flare-up after specific activities. But other patients have ongoing back… Continue reading Spine Pain – Prevention and Treatments

March 31st, 2021

Back Pain – What Could It Mean and What Should I Do?

One of the most common reasons people visit the doctor is because of back pain. Both acute injuries and low-grade chronic pain make it hard to get through the day. Are you finding that back pain is not only affecting your work but also disrupting other responsibilities in your life? The good news is that… Continue reading Back Pain – What Could It Mean and What Should I Do?