Author: Becki Andrus

April 30th, 2019

The Advantages Of Cycling

Why You Should Get Into Cycling The advantages of maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a regular exercise regimen are well-documented and the numerous ways in which maintaining a goal of consistent exercise can provide a boost to your health and fitness have been discussed in this previous article. The increased risk of encountering serious… Continue reading The Advantages Of Cycling

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April 19th, 2019

You Suddenly Need A Walking Aid – Now What?

What To Expect While Using A Walking Aid Regardless of your age, or how frequently you maintain a regular exercise regimen, there is always the possibility that an unexpected injury will suddenly occur that leaves you unable to walk on a temporary basis. This could be the unfortunate result of issues such as a broken… Continue reading You Suddenly Need A Walking Aid – Now What?

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April 18th, 2019

Common Knee Problems And When You Should Visit A Doctor

Your knee is a complicated joint that takes on critical responsibilities in order for you to conduct your normal day-to-day activities. You depend on it for stability as you move two vital areas that you rely upon to maintain your mobility – your lower leg, and your thigh. This requires your knee to carry the… Continue reading Common Knee Problems And When You Should Visit A Doctor

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April 12th, 2019

Reducing The Risk Of Injuries In Springtime Sports

Reducing Springtime Sports Injuries As springtime emerges it can be an exhilarating time of the year. The days are longer, the temperatures become more comfortable, and the number of outdoor activities increases by a considerable margin. This includes participation in organized sports activities. But as more people of all ages become more involved in sports… Continue reading Reducing The Risk Of Injuries In Springtime Sports

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April 8th, 2019

Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow And When To See A Doctor

Sports-Related Elbow Injuries You depend upon your elbow to perform its vital role throughout each day in coordination with your arm, hand and shoulder – even though you probably take it for granted as it does. But if your elbow develops a condition that causes you pain, then you are suddenly reminded of the importance… Continue reading Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow And When To See A Doctor

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March 8th, 2019

What Is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome And When Should I Visit A Doctor

Most people who are reading this have heard of carpal tunnel syndrome, and there is also a great likelihood that many of you are also aware of the specific causes and symptoms of this condition. However, that same level of knowledge probably does not exist with cubital tunnel syndrome, even though the symptoms that are… Continue reading What Is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome And When Should I Visit A Doctor

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March 3rd, 2019

Common Causes Of Foot Pain And When You Should Seek Treatment

We are extremely dependent upon the assortment of bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles that are located in our feet, and our need for each foot to function properly occurs on a continual basis. Not only do we expect our feet to lead us as we walk, but we also depend upon them to perform other… Continue reading Common Causes Of Foot Pain And When You Should Seek Treatment

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February 20th, 2019

Stress Fractures: Understanding The Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Stress Fractures – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment You don’t want it so you will not be happy if it develops. In fact, you may attempt to convince yourself that you don’t have it if the symptoms of this injury do occur. However, once this health issue has emerged, you will be forced to take it seriously… Continue reading Stress Fractures: Understanding The Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

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