Author: Becki Andrus

June 4th, 2018

“How Can I Avoid Seeing a Knee Doctor Near Me?”

If you’re asking “how can I avoid seeing a knee doctor near me?”, then you probably need one. However, there are some things you can do to prevent going back. Knees see a lot of wear and tear throughout a lifetime, but it isn’t impossible to keep them feeling good. Here are a few things… Continue reading “How Can I Avoid Seeing a Knee Doctor Near Me?”

May 28th, 2018

Orthopedic Problems to Watch For as You Get Older

As you grow older, orthopedic problems are a natural thing. However, that doesn’t make them any easier to deal with. If you take care of your health, you can prevent some of them, though. If you are concerned, these are some orthopedic problems to watch for as you age. Orthopedic Problems to Watch For as… Continue reading Orthopedic Problems to Watch For as You Get Older

May 21st, 2018

4 Common Orthopedic Problems Men Should Watch Out For

When it comes to orthopedic problems, men and women can be very different. While women tend to suffer more bone and ligament issues, men cope with more soft tissue damage. Here are the things that men should be careful of. 4 Common Orthopedic Problems Men Should Watch Out For Orthopedic problems aren’t gender specific, age… Continue reading 4 Common Orthopedic Problems Men Should Watch Out For

May 14th, 2018

4 Orthopedic Problems Women Need to Watch Out For

Orthopedic problems present themselves differently in men and women. For each, there’s a different set of things you need to watch for. Even if the problems never manifest, you should be aware they exist. When it comes to orthopedic problems, women need to be more wary of their bones, and the strength of them. 4… Continue reading 4 Orthopedic Problems Women Need to Watch Out For

May 7th, 2018

4 Common Childhood Orthopedic Problems

People of all ages are susceptible to orthopedic problems, meaning childhood orthopedic problems should be on every parent’s radar. Even if the problem doesn’t appear, the foundation for it could be developing. Here are a few things you should watch for in your children to make sure their muscles and bones stay healthy into adulthood.… Continue reading 4 Common Childhood Orthopedic Problems

April 30th, 2018

Orthopedic Sports Medicine for People Who Don’t Play Sports

Orthopedic sports medicine isn’t just for professional athletes. In fact, it’s not just for people who play sports on the weekend, either. Assuming you do any amount of walking in your life, it’s likely that you’ll have a run in with orthopedic sports medicine at some point. Hopefully, you won’t need too much of it,… Continue reading Orthopedic Sports Medicine for People Who Don’t Play Sports

April 23rd, 2018

3 Things Your Orthopedic Doctor Will Yell at You For

Your orthopedic doctor won’t literally “yell” at you, but these are three things they do wish you would avoid. Try to keep these things in mind when you’re going about your day, as it will help you to avoid any awkward encounters with your doctor. It isn’t hard to keep healthy, and these are things… Continue reading 3 Things Your Orthopedic Doctor Will Yell at You For

April 16th, 2018

Sprained Ankle Recovery Time and What Affects It

Sprained ankle recovery time varies from case to case. If you are dealing with a normal sprained ankle, you shouldn’t have to wait too long until you’re healthy again. However, if you’ve done significant damage to the ankle, you could be resting it for a while. Here’s a breakdown of what sprained ankle recovery time… Continue reading Sprained Ankle Recovery Time and What Affects It

April 10th, 2018

5 Reasons You Need to Learn About Your Orthopedic Health

Orthopedic Health Even if you don’t want to be an orthopedic doctor, you should learn about your orthopedic health. Why? Well, there are plenty reasons, but it all boils down to this: the more you know, the better off you are. If you want to stay healthy, you should be constantly reading up on your… Continue reading 5 Reasons You Need to Learn About Your Orthopedic Health

April 2nd, 2018

5 Reasons You Need to See a Sports Medicine Doctor

Sports medicine doctors are more necessary than you might think. While you may go your entire life without needing to see one, that would be rare. Here are a few things that might let you know you need to see a sports medicine doctor. Signs You Need to See a Sports Medicine Doctor A sports… Continue reading 5 Reasons You Need to See a Sports Medicine Doctor